
Natural Induction Methods

There are many potential labor induction methods out there, but these are the ones I feel safest and most confident recommending after 38 weeks. Although no method is guaranteed, one might work for you:

Note: Herbal supplements are not FDA regulated. Clear with your obstetric provider before ingesting as herbs may interact negatively with other supplements and medications.

Breech Baby

If your baby is breech, first and foremost don't panic! Babies can flip positions even after onset of labor, and there are many things you can work on to help create more space for baby to reposition:

Postpartum Perineal Care Items

Find my favorite reusable brand here

Important Note: tampons and menstrual cups/discs are not safe for use postpartum

Note: some may note skin irritation with use. In these cases, the cream or strip may need to be worn for shorter periods of time, or you may need to stop use.

Note: some may experience itching/burning with certain ingredients due to an allergic reaction or skin sensitivity